The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

THE CINCINNATI POST, MONDAY, FEB. 12, 1934. Page 14 Start the rent money coming in again! Advertise your vacant house on this 38 Real Estate- Miscellan's REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT APARTMENT MANAGEMENT THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. FOURTH AND VINE STREETS 41 Business, Office Equipm't CASH REGISTER mahogany finnish. size 99.99: Al: reas.

MO. 2888. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES- -Beer equipment. Chas. Polinsky.

Pearl STORE FIXTURES New and sold for cash or on terms. LOTH. 520 E. 41a Typewriters SPECIAL TYPEWRITER SALE RECONDITIONED LATE MODELS Woodstocks $24.75 Fully guaranteed--Supply limited $5 monthly payments if desired SEE THEM IN OUR SHOW WINDOW AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO 416 Main-st. near Fourth.

Est. 54 vears. 416 Beer Equipment BAR FIXTURES Office and Store Fixtures Cases. Tobacco Wall Cases. KRUSE.

238 MAIN MAin 2095. 42 Business Opportunities AN OPPORTUNITY for parties to lease a stand in new Rockdale super market; We are going to remodel this building into one of the finest super food markets in Avondale: we are now taking leases for the following stands: Meats, groceries, bakeries, fish and poultry. fruits and vegetables, all kinds of cheese. We also have two choice stands inclosed with entrance from the street for a delicatessen store and cut-rate drug store or dry cleaners; rental is $30 per week, including rent, light, heat and fixtures and plenty of parking space for customers. For appoitment, call AVon 0023 from 9 a.

m. to 4:30 p. m. or 635 Rockdale-av. AM INTERESTED in a grocery, with meat market: will pay cash.

JE. 0462. A Radio-Hardware Business In suburb: excellent location: corner business: retiring; can be bought right: no information given over phone. See MR. MEEKO personally at 2709 Ohservatory-rd.

For appointment, call EAst 2421, JEfferson 1724. loc near breweries: elec. bargain. CH. 8662 CONFECTIONERY -General store, est.

40 with 2 1428 Chase. Northside FRUIT and ver store: well busy section: cheap. 3505 Harrison. Cheviot. GARAGE- Filling station.

lunches beer: main highway. new 6-rm. house: 2 3. ground. sell or trade for property in Campbell-co.

Owner. SOuth 3228. GROCERY, meat market: est. 15 no competition. CH.

8900. KI. 3412M GROCERY meats, Al well stocked: fine fixtures: 4 mod. low rent: no reas. offer refused.

BR. 1407W OIL STATION, grocery, lunchroom: suburbs: must sell: sickness AVon 4584J. RESTAURANT -Beer equipment: sell less than cost. KI. 4585.

2801 Colerain. ROOMS AND BOARD- Suburb: beautifully furnished: always filled: have waiting list: handsome profit: part terms. KERL. 23 E. NINTH ST 45 Machinery and Tools BRAKE-36-in.

Robinson: 30-in. bench holder: 36-in, foot shear: 10-ft. Chicago steel brake. Flynn Machinery 440 E. Second-st.

City. MAin 0507. OIL BURNERS, Fans, Air-Water Pumps. Motors, Switches; cheap: 204 W. 3d-st.


CLIFTON 3 SPRAY. BOOTHS--Complete with motors. fans, valves, Al cond. The Perkins-Campbell 1309 Ethan-av. INQUIRE.

17 E. FIFTH ST. ANTIQUE table lamp. 9-pc. dining I'm.

suite. walnut: single bed. 6 kitchen chairs and mise. 3424 Ruther. Clifton.

ABC SPINNER WASHER, $35. 632 ELM ST. $39.85 $1 APEX ELEC. 100-PC. DINNER $10.95 W.

Elder St. 2850 132 SOLWAY'S CHerry SUITE-3 beautiful pieces in BED LIVING ROOM high-grade cover; reversible eushions: regular $135 suite that has been used as a display sample only. Will take $59 for quick sale. OPEN NIGHTS till 8:30. Main-st.

15 GORDON FURNITURE 1123 BEDROOM SUITES, Dining Room Suites reductions and Living to Room Closing Suites out at up all samples. OPEN NIGHTS till 8:30. GORDON FURNITURE 1123 Main-st. BOSS Floor Big Sample, Discount. Washers at a 17 W.

7th St. bet. Vine and Race. DINING ROOM SUITE-9 beautiful pieces in high-grade walnut; regular $145 suite: has been used as A sample only. Will take $79 for quick sale.

OPEN NIGHTS till 8:30. GORDON FURNITURE 1123 Main-st. DINING SUITE--Oak: sell china closet separate: bargain. AV. 6200R.

ELECTRIC WASHER Mangler: Sand's water heater, Philco radio. 508 Plum-st. ELECTRIC WASHERS AND ELECTRIC IRONERS-Leading. makes. Washers $49.95, $5 down, 1 year to pay balance: no carrying charge or interest.

Don't buy a washer or ironer until you see these bargains. C. D. AUTO SUPPLY CO. 228 W.

Seventh St. PArkway 2134. GAS RANGE Semiwhite. Estate. $7: breakfast set $6.

walnut chifforobe, bed, dresser: $15. 109 West Elder. Herbert's Rug Sale sale that is a real -rug sale. off all 9x12 discontinued patterns and slightly soiled floor samples. Herbert 8.

3942 Spring Grove Ave. HIGHEST CASH PRICES For your furniture. Phone MAin 1980. Auction sales every Thurs, at 10:30 a.m. 14 West Pearl St.

PEARL STREET AUCTION CO. HIGH GRADE furniture, stoves. rugs. bought and sold. MORRIS FURNITURE Parkway and Vine.

CHerry 9270. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and carpets of all kinds. MAIN STREET AUCTION CO. 340 Main St. MAin 1280 ICE BOX--Porcelain throughout: almost new: reas.

357 Shiloh. UN, 0369R, LIVING ROOM SUITE $175 value. will take $69.50: trade in your old suite. Bellonby Furniture 630 Race-st. LIVING RM.

SUITE. kitchen cabinet and range, Other household articles: reas. ME. 7810. MAJESTIC ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOROnly used 6 months: give up housekeeping: originally cost $175: will sell for $59: terms if desired.

See Mr. Loeb. 40 West Sixth-st. RUGS, USED, UNCLAIMED Accumulation of good used FURS which and not called for. $5 and up.

Queen City Carpet Cleaning Co. Betts and Linn. PArkway 7146. RUGS- -Imported: gorgeous pattern: room $35: also 9x12 Karajahn: must be sold. by Tues.

noon. Vernon Manor. Apt. 809. Opt and Burnet.

Call. don't phone. SEWING up: renairing $1 LUTHER SHO" 1319 Linn. PA. '4083.

SUNNY SUDS AGITATOR--Runs rood: 017.50: HOOVE" 8 bargain: GOOD HOUSE SEEPING SHOP. PA. 7600. TIME TO OIL YOUR WASHER Gear oil 40c, motor oil 250. Wringer grease 2.0: rolls for all washers.

Alms Doenke, Basem*nt. WOULD LIKE to contact somebody with $89.20 cash to take over electric refrigerator Jess than 90 days old: sold origInally for $209.50. Address R-57. Post. 44 Household Goods AUTO SHOW RUGS USED UNDER CARS 1 WEEK AT CLEVELAND SHOW.


WILL BE SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICE ROOM -SIZE VELVET $10.95 CONGOLEUM RUGS, Slightly imperfect. $3.95 LINOLEUM -Large Remnants; per 25c 1333 LINN ST. PA. 6833. Open Till 8 P.


B. C. Dryer type $39.50 Reconditioned Machines $15 1D Horton All We Makes Service Wringer All Rolle. Golden Rule Electric Shop 137 W. 7th at Elm.

CHerry 3701-2 Open Sat. TERMS Till 8.30. AXMINSTER RUGS 9x12 for $13.98: 9x12 Velvet Rugs. $9.75: Congoleum Rugs. $3.69 up.

OPEN NIGHTS till 8:30. GORDON FURNITURE 1123 Main-st. ALL OF YOUR FURNITURE and rugs: will pay high prices. CHerry 5491. ANTIQUES INQUIRE.

17 E. FIFTH ST. 44 Household Goods BRAND-NEW ELECTRIC WASHERS Nationally Known Manufacturer Down Delivers $25 FEATURES: Lovell Safety Wringer. Enclosed Gear Case. Ball-Bearing Worm Drive.

Adjustable Wringer, 1 Year Guarantee Lutic 632 Race St. Open Eves. VACUUM CLEANER parts: all makes. regardless the age. G.

SWEEPER SHOP. 1626 Race-st. CHerry 0479. $18.95 WALNUT DRESSER FOR chest. $7.95: bed.

$7.95. slightly used. MONTGOMERY WARD. KY. 46 Radio, Musical Merc' dise A 10-TUBE VICTOR RADIO-Beautiful Lowboy Console: deep, rich tone.

Price complete, $26.75 Open Sat. Till 8:30 P.M. MIDWEST, 909 BROADWAY. new: bargain. 212 Wade, after 5 p.

m. 47 Pets, Poultry, Stock ATTENTION- Hauck Music Store is now located at 1348 Vine-st. Expert repairing guaranteed: bows rehaired. BEAUTIFUL $800 baby grand piano: repossessed: pay balance of $180; terms $8 per month. X-25.

care Post. PIANO--Smith and Barnes wal. upright, Gross Music House, 1324 Main. RADIO--Latest beautiful cabinet; cost $135: sacrifice $11. PA.

2299. RENT OR BUY RADIO- -25c a radio parts. 222 E. Third nr. Main.

CH. 0924 TENOR BANJO- Gibson. master tone: like BEAUTIFUL South American macaw: talks. $35. Phone HEmlock 2750R.

CANARIES- VARIETIES: guar. singers, females; will make cheery valentine." Ph. MUELLER. ME. 7978.

English Setter puppies, 3 mo. excellent pedigree. AV. 7622. 4032 Rose Hill-av.

FARM HORSES AND MULES WEBER DAIRY. AVon 7600. BEthany 543 5 MARES-5 horses; selling out. cheap. J.

Inskeep. Monterey. O. Newtonsville 698 GENUINE FOX TERRIER PUPPIES Reas. Weichold, 4047 Herron-av.

Northside. GOOD FARM MARE: wagon and harness: reasonable. 1541 Pleasant-st. 10 Horses-Mules-Mares: very reas. Mt.

Healthy, R. 2. Box 130. DOuglas 908 48 Wearing Apparel FACTORY CLOSEOUTS $8 SUITS, O'COATS. Unclaimed $8 ALL-WOOL-VALUES TO $35.

Suits to order $15. Pants $3.50. ROY TAILORS- -FACTORY 21 W. THIRD. LADIES' SAMPLE SHOES-3 to 5.

high grade shoes, all sizes; broken lots. AAA 10 values to $12.50: our price $1.90, $2.90. Marshall's. 22 W. 6th nr.

Vine. SILK DRESSES- Sizes 16 to 50. $8 values $2.99 $3.99 JADY'S. 129 E. Fifth-st.

opp. Postoffice. SPRING COAT. size 40. like new: also almost new dresses: reas.

JAckson TIA 8255. 486 Jewelers WATCHES-A1 styles, makes. $2.25 up: antique jewelry. 710 Glenn 5th-Race. 50 Sales---Miscellaneous NEWSPAPER MATS $1 per 100 (300 sq.

feet). suitable for insulating garages. attics, summer cottages, chicken coops. etc. Call at The Cincinnati Post Post-sq and Elm-st.

or PArkway 1111. ask for Mr. Schoultheis. ONE hot water heating boiler. hot water radiators, pipes.


REGULAR 20c ELECTRIC BULBS 15 TO 75 WATT. 1000 HR. GUARANTEE, 2 FOR SAVE SUPPLY COMPANY 30 WEST THIRD. MAin 2980. SAVE on remodeling and repairing with new and used lumber.

PACHOUD BROS. WAbash 3730. We Buy Anything and Sell Everything LIQUIDATORS SALES CO. 1619 Reading-rd. CHerry 1627.

51 Wanted to Buy We Are Licensed by U. Gov't. TO BUY YOUR OLD GOLD! Scrap Jewelry. Dental Crowns. Bridgework.

Broken Watches. Rings. Gold Pins. Silver Antiques. etc.

WE PAY SPOT CASH McCoy Gold Refining Co. MAin 5219 103-105 E. Sixth St APPAREL- Men's old suits, clothing and shoes: Will call. Best prices. AV.

6393. CASH Absolutely furniture, highest rugs, prices stoves. paid SHANNON. MAin 2826. CASH PAID for store and office fixtures and cash registers.

MA. 3868. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for used furniture. Mr. Stern.

CHerry 9414. Old Gold De Low Rent Most Helps Cash Us. Jewelry, Watches, U. Dental 8. Money Crowns, Bought, Rings, Sold.

Pina, Old Coins BOND. 710 GLENN ESTH AT RACE 52 Fuel, Coal and Wood COAL. $5.25 2-TON LOTS Smok'I's Lump $7.25. R. C.

Coal. Pa. 0172 A1 COAL put in your bin free: discount. MILLER COAL co*kE CO. WA.

4313 ASK for Kirby 4763 for firelogs and biggest load of new kindling in town, $2.50. CLEAN CUT KINDLING $2.25 per ton truck load: all new wood. KI. 2440.0 COAT, in PROMPTLY bin. MO.

FILLED. 0859R. Deliver your ELKHORN -Treated double-screen Po. cahontas: low price: full wt. AV.

0160. POCAHONTAS egg $7.40. lump $7.25. 0630 soft $5.65: free wood. Riesenberg.

VA. SEASONED grate, wood: all hardwood: also new kindling. Kirby 3175 53 Loans--All Kinds DO YOU NEED CASH? LOANS on diamonds, watches, jewelry, musical instruments. luggage. type.

writers. guns. Strictly confidential. L. W.

LOAN Cincinnati's largest. 344 West Fifth. CH. 4924. LOANS THE AMERICAN LOAN CO 405 Formtain So Bide.

5th-Wal MA 5025 on Diamonds. Watches. LugLOANS gage. IDEAL. 602 Typewriters, VINE ete.

ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. jewelry, pistols. furs, tools and typewriters. Sixth-et.

Old reliable, DANIELS. 29 E. 53 Loans--All Kinds 53 Loans--All Kinds 1 Death Notices 6 Additional Death Notices D. on Preceding Page. BRAUNINGER- C.

(nee Glazer), of the late Conrad Brauninger and' beloved mother of Stanley and Helen Brauninger and Mrs. Louise Norris, at residence. Arbor-st. Hyde Park. February 11, 1934.

Puneral goryices at Hyde Park M. P. Church. son-rd and Hyde Park-av. Tuesday, February 13 at 2:30 p.

m. Friends 111- vited. BRIEDE William, beloved husband of 0. Leona Briede (nee Sunday. February 11.

1934. at residenee. 3113 Jefferson-av. 111 his 45th year. Services Wednesday.

February 14. at 2:30 D. the Gus Schraffenberger Funeral Home. 3117 Vine-st. near St.

Clair-st. CHRISTIE Samuel, beloved brother of Frank Christie, suddenly. Saturday. February 10, 1934. in his 51st year: residence.

517 Tafel-at. Funeral services at Chas. A. Miller Temporary Funeral Home. 1650 Bruce-av.

Northside. Tuesdav. February 13. at 2 n. m.

DEWS--Eva (nee Kidder). at he- restdence, 102 Rosemont-av. Ft. Thomas. aged 67 years.

Funeral from Vonderhaar Stetter's Funeral Home. Third and Overton streets. Newport, Tuesday. February 13. 1934.

at v. m. ENGEL--Louise (nee Poth). of 2814 Vinewidow of the late Joseph Engel. Saturday.

February 10. 1934. in her 83d vear. Services at the Gus Gildehaus Co. Funeral Home, 2911 Vine-st.

Corryville, Tuesdav. February 13. at 10:30 a. m. FERN--Magdalena, wife of the late Jacob Fern and beloved mother of Mrs.

Mary Vonderheide, Jacob Fern. of Chicaro. and Mrs. Rose Peters. Saturday.

February 10. 1934. in her 88th year. Funeral from her home. 1434 State-av, Wednesday February 14.

Requiem high mass at Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 a. m. Married Ladies' 80- dality nlease take notice. FLOHR -Marie (nee Neundorf), beloved wife of the late Oscar Flohr, at the residence of her daughter, Matilda Zinser .1317 Jefferson-av. Reading.

0.. Saturday. February 10. 1934. Funeral from the Vorhis Funeral Home, 310 Dunn-st.

Lockland, Tuesday, February 13. at D. m. FRAME -William beloved husband of Ruth E. Frame (nee Franklin).

Friday. February 9. 1934. at the residence. 4809 Glenshade-av.

Madisonville. Services, at the Thomas Funeral Home. 4418 Whetsel-av. Tuesday February 13, at 11. FRITZ--Dorothy Jane.

dearly beloved daughter of Alfred J. and Janet Fritz (neo Saturday, February 10. 1934, at residence. 4208 Oak Deer Park. age 9 years.

Funeral from the Busso Bormann Co. Parkway Funeral Home. Central Parkway and Clifton Hills lane, Tuesday. February 13. at 8 a.

01. Angel mass St. John Church. Deer Park. 9 a.

m. HERON- John. brother of Mary Heron, 729 Whittier-st. Sunday. February 11.

1934. Services at W. Mack Johnson's Funeral Home. McMillan at Unland-pl, Wednesday. February 14.

at 10:30 a. m. Kindly omit flowers. KLEMP -Louise (nee Danernhauer), widow of Anthony Klump. Sunday.

February 11. 1934. formerly of 1524 Vine-st. Funeral Wednesday. Februarv 14, at 8:30 a.

from Nurre Mortuary. 1564 Elm-st. Requiem high mass at St. Francis Church at 9 a. m.

KNABE-L. Josenh. beloved husband of late Sophia Knabe (nee Backer) Saturday February 10. 1934. at 5:20 a.

m. age 71 years. residence. 1260 Henkel-drive. Remains at Dunkman Dalbert Funeral Home Glenway and Rosemont-av.

F1- neral Tuesdav. February 13. at 2:30 p. m. from West-Cincinnati Presbyterian Church.

1909 Linn-st. LISTERMAN- -Freda (nop Buerkle), beloved wife of Henry Listerman, of 329 Third-av. Dayton, Sunday. February 11. 1934.

at 6 a. m. in her 69th year. Funeral from the Imwalle Mo. morial, Vine-st at Washington.

St. Bernard. Wednesday. February 14, at 8:15 a. m.

Requiem high mass St. Glement Church 8.45 a 11. MAGEVNEY- Joseph beloved brother of Margaret Saturday. Fehruary 10. 1934.

Atlanta. of 807 Greenwich-av, Price Hill. Due notice ol McCLELLAS Bennett). beloved wife of the late Thomas MoClellan. beloved mother of Margaret Saraguse, Sadie Mallov and Thomas Me.

Clellan. Sunday. February 11. 193-1. RUneral Wednesday from the resident 545 Woodlawn-ar.

Prquiem high mass Holy Pamily Church. 9 McDONALD-Carrie beloved wife of W. R. McDonald, at her home in Suntmerside. Saturday.

February 10. 1934. in her 76th year. Funeral Tuesday, February 13. 2 p.

Summerside M. E. Church. Interment Olive Branch. 0.

MELVIN- Stanley. beloved husband of Genevieve Melvin (nee Noell. of 3309 South Woodmont-av. Pleasant Rider, suddenly. Sunday.

February 11, 1034. his 35th year. Services at George in H. Rohde Son Funeral Home, Linwood and Delta avenues. Time to be anounced later.

MEVER- Pearl (nee Hummel) beloved wife of John Meyer. Sunday. February 11. 1934. age 41 years, residence, 3710 Creighton-av.

Services at Harold B. Barrere Funeral Home. 3712 Eastern-av. Wednesdav. February 14, at n.

m. O'NEARN-James. beloved husband of Mary O'Hearn (1104 0 Hare) Friday. February 9. 1934, at his residence.

711 Delta-av. Funeral Tuesday. February 13. Requiem high Mass at the Church of Our Lord Christ the King at 9. PLOGMAN-Emma Mooney.

widow of Harry of 2750 Hyde Park-av. Friday. February 9 1934. Services at Mack Johnson's Funeral Home, McMillan at Upland-pl, Tuesday, February 13. at 2 n.

11. POSTEL- Laura, beloved wife of the late Jacob Postel. at residence, 614 Deltaav. Remains at W. D.

Jaco*cks' Funeral Home. Gilbert-av at Locust. Requiem high mass at Church of the Assumption Tuesdav. February 13. 1934.

at 9 m. SCHNEEBECK Elizabeth. heloved sister of Henry. William and Edward Schneebeck. passed away Sundav.

February 11. 1934. at 9:30 a. residence. 1625 Western-av.

Funeral Wednesdav Feb14. at 2 p. m. from the Wrass. ruary Barfknecht Funeral Home, mann 1421-23 Main-st.

Friends invited. (nee Elliott). beloved STANGLE- Clifford Stanzle. Sundav. Feh11.

1934, age 50 years. Funeral ruary the Busse Borgmann Co. Morfrom tuary. 1517 Freeman-av, Tuesday, Februarv 13. at 1:30 p.

m. THOMAS--Helen Jessie, beloved mother of E. Thomas, of Milford. 0.: Dr. Warren Mrs.

Helen 'Thomas Lane. of Niles, 0.. at residence of her son, Dr. Edward R. 3228 Burnet-av.

Cincinnati, 0.. Thomas, Sunday, February 11, 1934. Funeral services and interment at Niles. 0., Wednesday. February 14.

TISHAUS Philomena (nee Schweitzer), beloved wife of the late Joseph Tishaus, at her residence. 17 East Liberty-st. 111 her 82d year. Funeral Wednesday, Feb14. 1934.

from the Charles E. ruary Meyer Co. Funeral Home. 1806 Vinest. Pt 2 11.

m. of Ida Tokarsky (nee Snell), at TOKARSKY-Anthony. beloved husband Marietta, 0., in his 49th vear. Funcral February 13. 1934.

from the Tuesday. Chas. E. Meyer Co. Funeral Home, 1806 Vine-st.

at 1:30 n. m. VASKE-Elmer, aged 16 years. Vaske beloved (nee of Harry and Clara Blankman), suddenly. February 10, 1934.

at residence. 5137 Eastern-av. Futhe Busse Bormann Co. neral from Funeral Home, Central ParkParkway and Clifton Hills-lane, Tuesday. way February 13.

at 7:15 a. m. Requiem at Our Lady of Loretta high mass Church. 8 a. M.

VOIGTLANDER-Mary beloved Febru- wife of Max G. Voigtlander, Friday, 9, 1934. at the reeidence, 5006 ary Whetsel-av. Services from the Thomas Funeral Home, 4418 Whetsel-av. Madisonville.

Tuesday, February 13, at a. m. ZITT-Catherine (Kate) beloved daughter of the Thomas and Margaret Zitt Friday. February 9. 1934, at 6:20 p.

m. in her 70th vear. Funeral from late residence. 1115 Kinney-av. Healthy.

Tuesday. February 13. at a. m. Requiem high mass Church the Assumption.

8:30 a. m. Members Ladies' Society will meet at resiof the dence Mondav. at 8 p. m1.

REBOLD MOntana 0892. WAbash 0710. The Busse Borgmann Co. CALICO HOP-Our Lady of Feb. Grace 13.

Church, 8:30 Considine m. Music by German Band. Admisand Glenway. p. sion 25c.

CARDS AND LOTTO- Holy Cross Hall. Mt. Adams. dr. gifts: 25c.

CARDS. LOTTO--St. Clement. February 13. 2:15: donation 25e: door gifts.

EUCHRE. 500. Lotto. St. Mark's -Storrs Men's Society, 947 Tuesday, Feb.

13, 8 Door gifts. KUECHLE PARTY Novelty Lotto, cards. Donation 35e. Bank-4t: Feb. 13.

door gifts. p. m. St NOVELTY LOTTO, CARDS--Holy Grand-av. Family TuesFebruary 13.

p. door Auditorium, Price and day. beautiful gifts: donation 35e. gift: NOVELTY LOTTO- CARDS St. Paul's afternoon.

p. m. DoHall, 12th and Pendleton, Feb. 13. nation 25c: 3 lotto cards 50e: door gifts Please Stop, Look, Listen Combination Feb.

13, Ten-25-1b. 2:30 sack only, Junior door Hall, gifts: 5-50-lb. sacks sugar; Cheviot. 5 sugar free games ridge: low every 5 games. flour.

coffee, sugar, milk: special each row of tables. basket of groceries, coffee, sugar and pork shoulder: special for men. gas: extra special, bushel basket order for of groceries, 25 lbs. sugar. 6 lbs, coffee, 12 milk.

flour. Please come account of early, managed by Ben and Lil Herman sickness of Cramer, Blue Rider Club. Why Not Come and See Us? 500 Combination Novelty Lotto 3 POR Feb. 13. 8:15: Ernst Ballroom.

Harrison-av. Cheviot: baskets 10 lovely 3351 rockers. door gifts: 5 groceries. free purse: bingos; special each row of tables. flour, low every 5 games: lady's coffee.

sugar, milk: 3 rugs for special: special for men; NORA everybody and welcome. MARIE. Central Parkway and Clifton Hills-lane. 1517 Freeman Ave. PArkway 4487-4488 5 Religious, Social Events Societies and Lodges OF -Cincinnatus Council No.

53: Members will assemble at the Wrassmann Bariknecht Funeral Home, 1401 Main-st. Tuesday. February 13. at 8:15 D. to pay last respects to our parted sister.

Lizzie Schneebeck, Mary Fisheck. Councilor: Louise Mullen, Recording Secretary. O. U. A.

M. Beacon Light Council 57. offivers and members will assemble at the Schraffenberger Funeral Home, 3117 Vine-st. Tuesday, Feb. 13..

7:45 p. 111., 10 nay last respects, to our departed brother. William Briede. Charles Willet, Jr. Calvin L.

Kampf. Ree. Sect. E. Cneinnati Chapter No.

184: Officers and members pleise assemble Mondav. February 12. p. nice 2t 211 Arbor-av. to Day last tribute of respect to our departed sister.

Christine Sr aningger Ruby Reisinger, Elzora Heil. Seeretary. 7 Lost and Found $30-Between Isabella. Erie-av and Hyde Park Bank, Sat. Rew'd.

EAst 3988R. BLACK SUEDE PURSE- Lost in Porue's. on 3d floor Sat. D. m.

contents. 3 rings (2 diamonds. pearl and diamond. Liberal reward. CH.

6865 BRIEF CASE- eluding testimonials, lost in Avondale. No questions. Reward Brown. CH. 7338 or 256 Ehrman-av.

ENGLISH SETTER--Female, aged: answering name Tan. Reward. No qurstions asked. ME. 4067 or EA.

0978M. ESKIMO SPITZ DOG--Young: wearing red collar. Reward. 1539 Dixmont-av ICF BAG -Between Erlanger and Ft. Mitehell.

Reward. HEmlock 0318. IRISH TERRIER--Male: license number 46943. Reward if returned. wO.

5171. PACKAGE- 5th-Race. baby sweater. silk slip. Reward.

WA. 3214R. WRIST WATCH- Swiss. gold. octagon engraved M.

G. Rew'd. MA. 1040. WRIST WATCH- Man's.

Burnet Woods skating vesterdav. Reward. AVon 2098W 8 Notices -Miscellaneous NASH, Optometrist EYES EXAMINED 1433 VINE ST AUTOS DUCOED- Small. $10: large. $15: spray system, guar.

2 years. WA. 1782. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Charles B.

Tucker. West Court-st. NOT responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Edward Faweett, 1309 Pendleton-st. City.

WILL PARTY or parties that stopped at curb in a machine when a lady fell on sidewalk on Peabody-av. Madisonville, just below Voss grocery store, Saturday night. December 30. between 6 and 6:30. please call BRamble 0490 86 Books--Bought or Sold THOUSANDS of back-number magazines.

used toxt-books, novels. 10c. 150 each. Smith's. 633 Main.

9 Professional Services on credit Don't Neglect Your Eyes! Expert Examination. Individual Fittings. 07 01.00 Small Weekly Payments. Dr. W.

Spurlock. Optometrist. MAYORS VINE ST. FREE marcels every day and evening. Florence Frey Studio.

631 Walnut. 10 Business Services A. G. WERN. painter, interior, exterior decorator, returned from Miami, 10 resume work.

1155 Harrison. WA. 3517. BEDBUGS- Moth roaches, eggs positively killed: $2 real job. PArkway 2544 BODY MASSAGE -Electric and bath.

330 W. Fourth. Apt. 11. Hrs.

11-8. Licensed BUY WINDOW SHADES 45c READY TO HANG Cleaning and Repairing Old Shades From our Factory. 811 Central. PA. 4106.

DRESSMAKER- -Dresses suits: also slip covers, draperies made reas. AV. 8769W FURNACES Repaired. cleaned, reconditioned. See us before you buy.

CH. 7200 PAPER HANGER-1st class; samples shown: excel, ref, ME. 1833, JE. 3845 per room: 10 more: firstelass work: prompt. PA.

3653 11 Building, Contracting cheerfully. W. C. Harper. ME.

2415. 13 Female Help Wanted REPAIR WORK Remodeling. carpenter work. painting, papering: estimates given WOMAN--With car: large concern: free training: promoAMBITIOUS tion assured. 307 Keith Building.

CORSETIERES Famise of Philadelphia offers exceptional opportunity to several ladies with or without experience in this type of work. MR. HOUSE. CHerry 7220. EXPERIENCED operators, 1.0 work oll dresses: only those with past experience will ho considered.

421 West Fifth -st. EXPERIENCED DIES--In popular priced dress shop: regular and part time Address Z-190 care Post. GIRL--White. gen. cooking: AV.

8048. 1101 over 25: 58 start. GIRL--Experienced sewing. repairing, dies' and men's garments. 7-187.

Post. GIRL--Light care of child; mostly home and wages. W0. 7657W. SALESLADIES- -Experienced: 110 canvassing.

Barnes. 300 Fountain Square Bldg. THE H. S. POGUE CO.

requires the services of an assistant buyer for the silk underwear department; must be thoroughly experienced. Apply Sixth Floor. WHITE GIRL- Experienced. $5 per week: stay on place. 2-188.

care Post. WILL EMPLOY 2 ladies for full time work: city references required. Apply after 1:30 p. 1501 Fountain Square Building. Mr.


Third-st. Roy Tailors. EXPERIENCED house-to-house men, $18 bonus; outside crews and local and routes. Room 708. 406 Elm.



JANITOR-White, middle-aged couple: apt. bldg. city fireman's liCH. 3767, or evening. AV.

8284. experience; cense. KELLY PRESSMAN- Al only need apply. State age and salary. Address 2-191.

care Post. LARGE mfr. will employ another reliable man who wants permanent position with excellent promotion possibilities. See Robert Johnson, Fountain Square Bldg 9:30 to 12 a. m.

MAN-With car, to sell cigars as side line: reference required: 600 Reading-rd. SALESMEN- To demonstrate and sell permanent waving machine in Cin'ti and men need apply. Apply 345 Gibson surrounding territory: only experienced Hotel from 2 to 4 p. m. 9 to 11 a.

ml. SUCCESSFUL FARMING- -Has an opening for 3 men with cars; southwestern Ohio territory. If you are willing to work hard you can earn $5 to $8 day. Men who have had previous experience calling on farmers preferred. Expense guaranteed while training.

For interview see Mr. Cooper. Metropole Hotel, Monday evening or Tuesday. Not later. 3 MORE MEN- To cover city routes: $10 week guaranteed salary and good bonus.

Call after 3:30 today, 305 Hazen Ninth and Main streets. TWO YOUNG men to sell house to house: can make $25 per week to start: we train you. 403 South. Ohio Sav. Bk.

Bldg. VERTICAL PRESSMAN- only need apply. State age and salary, Address 2-200. care Post. WANTED--Young man with some experience in selling electric refrigerators on the floor and outside: must have car.

Write. giving references. R-58. care Post. WANTED Sales manager for electrical refrigeration department: must be experienced and able to handle men: Al reference, Address Z-151.

Care Post. 14a Help Wanted, Special MANAGER- To open and take BRANCH contemplated store in nearby city: branch of Cincinnati going concern: must have $2500 capital. best of references and Al sales ability. R-59. Post.

14b Help, Male and Female A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES- Sell on sight: Al profita. Apply 1 to 5:30 m. only. Clifton Chemical Co. 9260 Vine.

15 Salesmen and Solicitors MEN WANTED--For Rawleigh routes of 800 families in cities of Cincinnati. Cleves, Glendale and Milford: reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write immediately, Rawleigh Dept. OH-23-S. Freeport, Illinois.

17 Educational, Instructions REMEMBER THESE FACTS! MARINELLO IS THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND MOST FAMOUS SYSTEM OF BEAUTY SCHOOLS MARINELLO has graduated over 50.000 successful women. MARINELLO has been estabfor over 30 years. MARINELLO beauty products are used in over 10.000 leading beauty salons in the United States MARINELLO graduates hold preferred positions in every state in this country and in fourteen foreign countries. MARINELLO guarantees in beauty culture to all graduates. MARINELLO graduates are in deeverywhere to fill well paid positions.

No other system can replace the tested and proven complete scientific training Marinello gives its graduates. It's the value of your training AFTER YOU GRADUATE counts. We invite you that, investigate other schools FIRST, confident that Marinello will be your final choice as it has with other 50.000 Marinello graduates. MARINELLO National School of Cosmeticians. Inc.


BEAUTY CULTURE at HALF PRICE. $75 COMPLETE INQUIRE NOW! CINCINNATI'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN SCHOOL Florence Frey (631 Walnut BE GUIDED BY VALUE AND PRESTIGE -Moler method will save you money: the standard in Beauty Culture training for over 41 vears. Weekly terms. Write for our booklet. MOLER SYSTEM.

111 W. Fifth St. BEAUTY CULTURE, complete, $75: terms: free instruments, cosmetics: private instruction: position free catalog. MARGUERITE BEAUTY STUDIOS 1845 Josephine. A Von 2623.

MEN- -LEARN BARBERING THE MOLER WAY: it pays: best course: terms. Call or write MOLER COLLEGE. 111 5th-st. MIOWN Beauty College: Corinna Curran. Spe.

$35: low terms: tools. 709 Elm-st. MODERN BARBER down, tools free: jobs. 309 Sycamore. Open eves.

POST WANT ADS GET RESULTS. 11a Dancing Waltz, Fox Trot. Tango. DON MARTINIS Stage. RATES.

Tap: 28 10 teachers. 176 Piano Lessons -All instruments piano. trumpet, piano accordion. $1 lesson, SUPERIOR STUDIO. 36 E.

5th. 18 Work Wanted, Women This classification is intended only for those seeking employment. Cost is 1 cent word; 15 cents minimum charge per day payable in advance at counter or by mail. WHITE WOMAN- carfare. Laundry CH.

Or 1746, cleaning Apt. 23. by day. $2 and COLORED GIRL--Experienced in tea room, housework. assist with cooking: home nights: references.

WOodbura 3427M. 19 Work Wanted, Men This classification 18 intended only for those seeking employment. Cost is 1 cent a word; 15 cents minimum charge per day payable in advance at counter or by mail. CARPENTER WORK--Any kind: weatherstripping, remodeling. repairing: firstclass work: reasonable.

AVon 3311M. COOK-A1: American: at pastry; night club exp. SO. 2213M. FLORIST AND -Life expertence in greenhouse, lawns, shrubs and garden: best references.

John Morris, 801 Fourth-av. Middletown. 0. HANDY MAN Capable, paperhanging. painting.

cleaning. all types of houses: references. Chris. MAin 6792. YOUNG MAN wants work of any kind: can drive car rtruck.

AVon 7114T, YOUNG SINGLE MAN- Work of any kind: expert auto mechanic: good truck driver. S.12. care Post. 20 Rooms and Board WALNUT HILLS--Steam heated 2 sq. so.

Alms Hotel: very reas. WO. 3640. A A A 21 Furnished Rooms, Rent AVONDALE-3468 Hallwood: priv. 1 or 2 gentile bus.

girls. AV. BOND HILL Mod. rm. in home of 2.

with breakfast. $5 gar. opt. ME. 8409 CAMP WASHINGTON-1121 Draper: 3 rms.

for light and bath: reas. up: 1-rm. nskpg. slpg. $2.00.

STEAM HEAT. water baths. 1506 Race CITY-1316 MAIN 2-rm. apt. neatly furnished $5.50 up.

Inquire in store. CITY-(PARKSITE). mod. 1-room STEAM HEAT: $5 to $7. 1318 Race.

CITY-1211 Walnut: housekeeping: hot water in all new $4 up. CITY-819 Main: 2 front: also 1 lee hskng. rm. hot-cold water: reas. CITY-311 W.

Fourth: frt. 2-rm. $5: hskng. rms. $3.50 up: $2.50 up.

CITY-Attr. hskpg. $6 up; sipg. rms. $2 up: new management.

1228 Vine-st. CLIFTON-355 Terrace nr. U. mod. rm.

for 1, 2: fireplace; conv. UN. 0919W. CLIFTON-Nr. U.

cozy frt. break. $3.50. After 4. UN.

2656W FAIRMOUNT-Lovely nr. car. bus: breakfast, priv. home: reas. KI.

2290W HYDE PARK-3411 S. Club Crest: ventilated home of 2: reas. EA. 3817M HYDE PARK-Priv. home.

lovely front rm. kitchent nr car, bus. JE. 2300 NORTHSIDE-Attractive board priv. conv.

reas. KI. 0093M. 1. 2.

3 NICELY furn. can make furn. yours, easy terms. 1076 Wilstach. WALNUT HILLS-621 Crown: cozy frt.

tw. beds: also small rea. WO. 4818W. WALNUT HILLS-625 Crown: 1.

3 slg. Heat: attract. home: pkg. WO. 3492W.

WOULD you like a real home: a front rm. for 1-2: car: $4. 56. UN. 0978J.

22 Unfurnished Rooms, Rent CITY-644 Neave-st: 2 nice inside toilet, gas, only $8. AV. 2171. CITY-1821 Vine: inside bath. 2d floor.

very reasonable. PA. 2131. CITY- w. cor.

Third and Broadway: 2. 3 lge. light reasonable. MA. 1715.

CITY-1304 Pendleton: 2 Ige. $8: also 3 or 4 toilet. Ina. 3d rear. CITY-1796 Sycamore: or 3 all mod conveniences: nice vard KT 4821 CITY-620 Elm-st: 3 3d floor: 8, low rent.

Ina. Hardware Store CITY Dayton-st: 2 and 3 rms for sm family. rent reas mod. unfurn. rnt.

with kitchen business lady: private apt. WO. 4236. FAIRMOUNT-2 rooms: reasonable: 1760 Queen City. AVon 2308M.

FAIRMOUNT-3. 4 nice large bath. toilet, gas. cheap. WA 1128 LINWOOD-3 Moyer-pl: 4 large rms ern: 1st furnace: $25, EA.

0879 V. WALNUT HILLS--743 Wayne: 4 rooms, bath. 1st: nr. Peebles $20. CH.

3954 POST WANT ADS GET RESULTS. 25 Furnis'd Apts. Houses A VONDALE Elegant 4-rm. bich-class exquisite, now gos leaving 0565. CENTRAL PARKWAY house.

complate, reliab'o CITY-112 E. 4th kite, 89.50: prim. hot, water, PA. 5050 CITY-141 W. newly derorated: bath stm.

janitor reas. COVINGTON-6-rm. all elec. HE. 5187.

NORWOOD, S. CHITO Hughes bus: 1942 Hudson. sq. Main: 2, 3 or 4-rm. fur.

apts: heat. gas elec. sar, opt. 25 Furnis'd Apts. Houses wife her at the st.

COVINGTON-1551 Madison; nicely 0050R furnished: priv. bath: reas. HE. 26 Apartments Unfurnished or: 2 front bath. all reas.

NEWLY REDUCED RATES COMPLETE list of apartments A in modern suburban immediate occupancy: auto service at your call. AVon 7891 Evenings The TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST Co. 5-renth and Walnut Sts. PArkway 1046 AVONDALE-3490 Dury: 4 $25 VAN gar. 50 FOREST-AV.

655-6 gar. 50 And others. MAin 2729. PA. 5540.

AVONDALE-819 Lexingion; 5 550. 1st; heat, hot water. gar, BOND HILL-1903 Berkley: new section: attr. 4-rm. 1st: newly $45 CAMP WASHINGTON-2 mod.

bath: heat. elec. washer, jan. KI. 4450.

CHEVIOT-3287 Meadow: 1924. attr. PR. 3 7452R. 3d: 5 2d.

PA. CITY-132 W. 4 rooms, private bath. moderate rent. CHerry 1444.

CITY- 412 Main-st; 3 private bath, $16, $17: inq. 1 606 Central-av3 bath. 2d steam heat, water: $20. Other $12. $17.

Inquire Apt. 43 or PArkway 1053. CH. 1414. ROBT.

A. CLINE. INC. 35 E. 7th CITY-383 Baum: 2.

3 bath, hot water: free parking. $12. $14. PA. 4400 CITY-1034 W.

8th: 4 $12. 914 Wade: 3 $12. PA. 4400. CITY-330 9th: 2 heat.

gas. toilet: newly elevator. $16. See jan. CLIFTON-JEFFERSON APTS Near university: bedroom.

living room with in-a-door bed: kitchen fully equipned. stove and Frigidaire. dining alcove. Cor Jefferson and Daniels. $32.50 to $35.

UNiversity 1265. WOodburn 6612. bath. 2d same. 3d.

$18. AV. CLIFTON-Jefferson-av: lovely 4 rms. 6467J. CUMMINSVILLE-1629 Power: 3 1 me.

kitchet: $20. Inq. 1636. KI. 3299M.

CUMMINSVILLE. S. Townsend: rm. mod. brick.

2d. $25. KI. 0777R. DAYTON.

6th-av: 3 re. ception hall: heat. $23. 2d fir. SO.

4189M EVANSTON-3531 Hudson-av: lovely rm. heat: newly dee. ME. 1531. EVANSTON-3348 Woodbury: 4 St.

1st: porch. $35: gar. opt EVANSTON-1605 Dana: 3 mod rms. porch: $25: gar. JE.

8157. HYDE PARK-3549 Vista-av: 4 rooms 1st FAIRMONT. adults. $25. Moosewood: KI.

w0. 5201W MT. AUBURN-1923 Bigelow-st: 2. 3 and 5-room apartments: newly decorated: handy to car lines, stores and city: $9 to $16: inspect. at any time.


nr. McGreg- NORWOOD Harris-av. 4 with bath, $19. Will decorate. Cincinnati Model Homes Co.

CH. 7030. NEWPORT. KY. -543 Lexington: 4 private: reas.

SO. 3478R. NORFOLK BLDG. -8th-Elm: 3 and 5-rm. mod.

steam heat: reas. CH. 7513 NORTHSIDE-Chase and Jerome: 4 tile bath. heat. $35.

See Jan. KI. 0555R NORTHSIDE-3 mod. with heat, 1st nr. cars, bus.

4239 Florida-av. NORWOOD-2 2d bath: adults: $12.50. 2d heat, bath, gar $20. 6 2d $29.50. ME.

1638. NORWOOD, St. 1. 3d. tile bath, Frig.

$35. ME. 6053. 1st hot $22.50. ME.

4078 OAKLEY-3230 Bach: 3-rm. flat: strictly OAKLEY-2758 Markbreit: 3 or 4 sep. bath, porch, storage reas. PLEASANT RIDGE- Grand Vista: 4-rm. St.

Louis: nr. cars, bus: $20. JE. 4369. PRICE HILL-3 1st arranged to meet mod.

needs. $24.50. WA. 4725. PRICE HILL-617 Grand: 4 bath.

heat, hot water, 2d: gar. opt. WA. 1641R PRICE HILL-1012 Rapid-av: new 4-rm. St.

Louis: hwd. 2d reasonable. PRICE HILL-1606 Ross: bath, 2d. St. Louis.

$22.50. WA. 5260R. PRICE HILL-4306 Glenway: 4 rooms, solarium: modern: garage. WA.

1825. WALNUT HILLS-743 E. McMillan: bath. jan. Key store.

CH. 1444 WALNUT HILLS-2815 Woodburn: lge. priv. bath. jan.

prem. CH. 1444 WALNUT HILLS-1533 Blair-av: 5 heat. hot water. 2d: reas.

WO. 2280R. WALNUT HILLS--Chatham Chatham and McMillan; 4-rm. bath, heat. jan.

See or MAin 0424. WALNUT HILLS-2052 Symmes: 3 bath, 1st: porch, yd. WO. 5468M. WALNUT HILLS- Lane Seminary: steam heated: Al campus loc.

WO. 4173. WALNUT HILLS-401 Torrence: 4 bath. 1st. 2d.

PA. 1924, PR. 7452R WALNUT HILLS-2350 Boone-st: 2-rm. steam heat, showers: newly janitor service. $16 per mo.

W0. 7805. WALNUT HILLS-618 Crown: brk. St. 6 2d; 15 min.

city. WO. 1305M. WALNUT HILLS-1616 Fairfax: 3 or 4- rm. St.

with heat. $22.50. KI. 2931M 27 Houses for Rent center of Cheviot; large Jot: $25. MOntana 3479W.

CITY-255 Butler near Third and Pike; 6 low rent. MAin 1375. COVINGTON- Cottage, 4 mod. but furance: porch: $16.50. Inq.

1005 Scott. EAST END-3420 Walworth: 4-I'm, mod. house: cheap; newly papered. MA. 1375 HYDE PARK-3418 Oakview: 6-rm.

strict. $50. ME. 5307-7100. MT.

AUBURN-3 10-rm. houses, all mod. conv. 113-115-117 Mason-st. MA.

0424. NORWOOD. S. Jefferson: mod. 6-rm.

frame: $35. MElrose 7100. 5307 NORWOOD-2362 Harris-av: brick cottage: 4 rooms: bath: $25. PRICE HILL-5 bath: hot water heat: $28. CH.

6922. W0. 5382W. WALNUT HILLS-1531 Lincoln: 12-rm house: excel $40. PA, 7360.

WALNUT HILLS- Graydon, nr. Hewitt: 5 bath. $30. ME. 8434-8676.

COLLEGE HILL-Splendid house, on car line, 9 rooms. suitable for inter-family occupancy: all in good condition; $50. THE MYERS Y. COOPER CO. East 2780.

Evenings, Mr. Judy, EAst 2596. COLORED mod. real home: $20. 429 E.

11th. G. W. Ammerman HE. 6732.

28 Business Places for Rent AUTO REPAIR SHOP-A1 Losantiville-av. Pleasant Ridge. ME. 4141 31 Moving, Truck' Storage MOVING. piano hoisting: white help; low rates.

Becker Bros. AV. 8840. storage mo. for 3 1st mo.

$2 50 FREE. Large protected warehouse. Leader 307 W. 5th. CH.

8375. to $4 load: large vans: perienced white heln. Kirby 3276. to $3 load: 1 mo. storage 9456 free: experienced white held.

CH. A LOAD Large trucks. Guaranteed $3 service. White help. PA.

0774. MOVING. piano hoisting: expert MAin 1363. help: 2140 Colerain. FOR CHEAPER rates, better service, call Sam Moonitz.

ME. 4344. Estimates free. CHEAPEST moving van service in town: convince yourself. LIBSTER, WO.

3896. LOAD OR PART LOAD TO CHICAGO OR ST. LOUIS. EAST 3027. 50c rent move your6c self.

Hodge. 511 Sycamore. PA. 3040 LET Wm Hux save you money on vour moving: convince yourself. MAin 1940 LONG DISTANCE MOVING: STORAGE a load: local vans; responsible piano $5 movers.

MAin 0160. 32 Wanted to Rent 3-RM. West wood or Cheviot, with heat. 2-180. care Post.

33 Houses for Sale CALIFORNIA. 0--4 bath, modern: built-in years old: small down payment, balance weekly; already financed. BEechmont 7698W. for rooming HE. 1354W.

house; small' grocery: part furn. MADISONVILLE- -Bldg. A property: 4-rm. mod. cottage: $3250; small cash payment.

$6 weekly. BR. 0737. NORTH CIN'TI-Nixon-st: 3 dandy 3-rm. flats: 3 baths: garages: fine small investm't: always rented.

AV. 7793-8121J PRICE HILL--Beautiful 5-rm. 1-fl. plan: level lot: $5000. MO.

2599R. WA. 4325. PRICE HILL- Nr. St.

William's Church; 5- I'm. hdw. tile bath: gum lge. lot: 56500. WA.

4530. PRICE HILL 3444 Price-av: elose to every convenience. Modern frame with large porch: contains 6 large rooms. butler's pantry and fine attic: elate roof. Has been completely renited.

painted and decorated. Now vacan.t. Will' be sold on convenient terms and small' cash payment. Can be seen anytime. PA 3232.

Alsferlder Realt: Co. EA. 2300 PRICE HILL- built to meet mod. need: bargain. MO.

2599R. WA. 4325. WALNUT HILLS-2134 Alpine-pl: mod. 3 3-rm.

hot water beat: 3 priced for quick sale MO. 2947 R. Cin. house: 4-a. mod.

home. Milford, want Westwood prop. Crowe, 519 Main. 36 Farms, Country Homes 14 ACRES--COW. 40 CHICKENS: $1600: down: level land: road: 'east of Blanches er: good 6-rm.

house. been. poultry house: wells: fruit. HOPKINS 1,29. 300 SEND FOR NEW FARM LIST CHAS.

HAMLET. OFTO. COUNTRY HOMES -Lu lots 40 torme. Cherry. Grove.

O. Sutton 203W-5 39 Exchange Real Estate DAYTON, 4-rm. mod. cottage, want AUTOMOBILE CO- MAKER OR MORE FURNITURE LOANS $200 No investigation fees! No advance deductions! No extras! get the full amount in cash in 24 to 48 hours! Repay a small amount monthly out of your income! PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Come in. Northside: 4121 Hamilton Ave.

at Palm. KI. 3836. or phone. Write Norwood: 2090 Sherman nr.

Main. ME. 4206. 630 Vine 204 Provident Bank Bldg. CH.

7373. HOUSEHOLD REDUCES RATE Monthly on $200 to $300 LOANS UNDER $200 AT MONTHLY Table below shows reasonable cost of a Household Loan when repaid in 20 equal monthly installments (total cost less if loan is repaid sooner.) Amount Average Cost Amount Average Cost of Loan Per Month of Loan Per Month $100 $1.58 $260 $200 2.63 $300 3.94 Household gives quick. private service, makes no inquiries of friends, merchants or employer. Only husband and wife sign. Household arranges convenient monthly repayments and figures cost only for actual number of days each dollar is kept Come in, write or phone for information.

HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION SUITE 1425-28 CAREW TOWER Fifth and Vine Streets Phone MAin 1585. Member NRA LOANS MADE IN NEARBY TOWNS NRA LOANS 608 Without Endorsers $300.00 LESS NO DEDUCTIONS You get the full amount of the loan in cash ONE-DAY SERVICE You repay che loan in small monthly payments to suit your income CHARGES ARE REASONABLE AS PROVIDED BY STATE LAW FAMILY LOAN CO. 805 FOUNTAIN SQUARE COR. FIFTH AND WALNUT STS PArkway 1542 ANNOUNCING--A NEW loan plan to fit present day conditions. 40 MONTHS TO REPAY Under this New Plan.

loans of $100 to $300 can now be repaid as follows: Loan $100 Pay $2.50 mo. plus int Loan $160 Pay $3.75 mo. plus int. Loan $200 Pay $5,00 mo. plus int.

Loan $250 Pay $6.25 mo. plus int. Loan $300 Pay $7.50 mo plus int Shorter repayment terms on above amounts available if desired. Also smaller loans from $25 new Before plan you offered borrow. by investigate this I PROGRESSIVE FINANCE 5th Floor, Lyric Bldg.

Opposite Rollman's on Vine. De Phone MAin 1043 20C MONEY! A Morris Plan Co-Maker loan will solve your money problem. Interest rates are lower. Be convinced. Shop around and make a comparison.

Security? Just your signature and signature of two friends. MORRIS PLAN BANK 117 E.6TH. 2400 Family Loans STATE SUPERVISED On Furniture. Radios. Autos and Personal to $300 Borrow Today--Twenty Months to Pay We Pav Off Other Loans and Give You More Money.

See Us For "Service That Satisfies." FIFTH FINANCE CO. East Fifth St. PArkway 4515. CO-MAKER LOANS 8 per $100-Repay 9 months $11 per $100-Repay 12 months THE OHIO FINANCE CO. 230 KEITH BUILDING Entrance 525 Walnut St.

MAin 2174. Oldest and cheapest loan company in city CITIZENS' MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Main St. opposite Postoffice. POST WANT ADS GET RESULTS.

54 Wanted to Borrow a WANT TO BORROW $1500 on property valued at $30.000: pay X-65. Post. Motorcyele Service 1924 Central-pky 56 Parts and Repairing 55 Motorcycles, Bicycles LATE 1929 WHIPPET COUPE- Trade for motorcycle. Indian Motor Sales, 30 W. 12th-st.

PA. 5966. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES--Repairing all wheel goods. Motorevele Sales 1621 Race-st. CHerry 3488.

TREMENDOUS power. lightning getaway -the new Harley 1934 T. N. T. offers the greatest achievement in motorcycles.



2151 Gilbert. Ave. Phone WO. New and Used Parts- -All Makes Cars Bought--Any Condition We Deliver Evervwhere. AUTO PARTS Cincinnati Auto Parts Co.

127 EAST EIGHTH ST PA. 0422 943 WEST NINTH ST. PA. 7895. 57 Sale Trucks, Tractors CHEVROLET, TRUCKClosed cab wide open express body: 4-speed transmission, dual wheels and good tires.

$345. G. M. A. C.

terms. Economy Chevrolet 4912 Montgomery. Norwood. JE. 2920.

truck: CHEVROLET, one owner 1930-Stake body $125 HILLTOP AUTO SALES. 2316 Gilbert FORD. 1929-De luxe delivery: firstelass condition: $125. Norwood Auto Sales, 5042 Main-av. MElrose 4463.

FORD 1 -ton, long wheelbase, duals: also 1933 Ford: Diamond T. rebuilt. Many others. Diamond 2716 Spring Grove-av. FORD capacity, in good condition.

MA. 8781. G. M. 1929 ton open express; in good running condition: bargain, LE BLOND-SCHACHT.

8th and Evans. TRAILER for camping or light hauling: wire wheels. closed body. $20. 1730 Young -st.

Mt. Auburn. USED TRUCKS 2320 Gilbert Ave. WOodburn 4800. QUEEN CITY A AUTO A SALES and 1 and 1 tons THE CINCINNATI COLLATERAL LOAN co.

Second Floor, Palace Theater Building E. Sixth St. PERSONAL loans on diamonds, watches, jewelry. silver: ladies' patronage solicit. Bargains in unredeemed pledges.

Raisbeck 501 Provident Bk. Est. 40 yr 58 Used Cars for Sale AUBURN BROUGHAM, 1931- Mr. Mace. 4520.

$295 AUBURN, 1929 CABRIOLET AUBURN. 1930 SEDAN $195 Motor Sales. 3363 Reading-rd. BUICK COACH--Original finish: one ownor: mechanically perfect: $325. Nash Cin'ti Motors.

Morgan and Iowa. 5003 MAIN NORWOQD-1933 Chev. sedan: a real bargain at PAT WELSCH. INC. ME.

1441 $475 CHEV. 1928 Fuller's, COACH- 2035 Reading $95 CHEVROLET. 1932 4-door sedan: value at $395. Terms or trade. mileage and in Al condition: a 8001 SEILER MOTOR CAR CO.

USED CAR STORE. 2337 Gilbert-av. WO. 6304. CHEVROLET COUPE-1933; few months old: like new: $445.

Danner, AV. 5635. CHEVROLET. 1928 4-DOOR SEDAN--This is a one-owner car and far above the average in general condition, When you see it you'll agree it's a bargain at $115. Ask for Mr.

Jackson, Bauer Auto Sales, 316 E. Sixth-st: PArkway 7480. CHEVROLET. 1931 SPORT COACH No down payment. $15 a month.

Frank Kearns. 2710 Colerain-av. Kirby 4920. CHEVROLET CABRIOLET. 1932-Convertible top rumble seat: extra clean, $125 down.

balance G. M. A. D. terms.

Economy Chevrolet 4912 Montgomery-rd. JEfferson 2920. CHEVROLET COACH. 1933-Driven only 2200 miles: equipped with trunk and many accessories. Will trade and rive convenient terms.

Call Mr. Joseph, PArkway 7480. 312 E. Sixth-st. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE COUPERumble seat.

6 wheels, trunk rack. beautiful sport job: $295. HElrose 2266. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1931-Rumble seat.

fender wells: no down payment. $16 a month. Frank Kearns. 2710 Colerain-av. Kirby 4925.

CHEVROLET COUPE-4 good tires: runs good: $26. 1918 Freeman-av. CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN Runs good: $19. 1918 Freeman-av. LATE MODEL CHRYSLER SPORT condition: SEDAN--Driven $345: very very little: easy perfect terms.

Bill Deremo, 2710 Colerain-av. Kirby 4926. ESSEX Mr. 1929 Mace. SEDAN- CH.

4520. $95 ESSEX 2035 1931 Sedan: Reading-rd. Fuller's $225 FORD-1929 sport coupe: rumble heat; 4 new tires: $110. RAY LIPPERT, Used Car Dept. 3804 Main Ave.

MElrose 7642. FORD 1939 V-8 with new. latest design motor: tires and Anish perfect: $345: terms. HOCKS VORDENBERG. INC.

2309-17 Gilbert Ave. FORD 1931 2035 TUDOR- Reading-rd. -Fuller's, $225 FORD. 1932-V-8 business coupe: has very low mileage: ear in excellent condition. at a very low price.

$345 The Citizens Motor Car 6. Cherry 4110. FORD. 1929 SPORT COUPE Excellent mechanical all good tires: one owner: $75. AV.

8060. 1830 Burnet-av 8100 miles: to settle estate. JE. 3364. FORD COUPE.

1932-Standard, 4-cyl. There isn't a cleaner car in town, and the performance will excl its appearance. Rain. too. You'll at.

say it's a bar- $315 BERNINGS. 1124 W. 8th. PA. 0360 FORD.

1 1930 COUPE-In excellent condition: $165. Schulte Motors. ME. 7735. FRANKLIN 1931 Spt.

Sedan: like new: FORD SPORT COUPE, 1931-A real bargain: nO down payment. $12 a month. Bill Deremo. 2710 Colerain-av. Kirby 4925.

GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES METROPOLITAN MOTORS Seventh and Broadwav. CHerrv 5020. HUDSON COUPE. 1931-Fine condition; $445. MElrose 7735.

IMMEDIATE delivery on 1934 Plymouth De Luxe Coaches or new Plymouth 6 Sedans. Schmuelling-Mayer Motor 3833 Glenway-av. WAbash 5902. MARMON SEDAN, 1931-Perfect: no reasonable offer refused. Bastner 2716 Spring Grove-av.

MOTOR TRUCK BODIES American Wagon 8th and Sycamore. NASH. 1928-Sedan: perf. thruout: $175 THE JOHN C. MEYER CO.

CH, 2772. NASH. '28-Conv. coupe, light 6: A1 sac. Owner.

135 E. McMicken. CH. 1365. OLDSMOBILE, 1929 SPORT COUPERumble seat: new tires: $145: no down.

payment. $9.50 a month. Frank Kearns, 2710 Colerain-av. Kirby 4925. PACKARD LIGHT 8 SEDAN- 29: only slightly used: direct from the original awner.

who was forced to sell: original finish: beautiful mechanical condition: $265: late improved 1930 water pump: chromium plate: trade. terms. Mr. Johnson, care of Walter E. Schott, Oldsmobile Sales and Service.

Gilbert-av. PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1933 Floating power: free wheeling. automatic. clutch: guaranteed.

$475. Mr. Ashinger. Lou Bauer Ford, Sixth and Broadway, CHerry 1612. PLYMOUTH COUPE.

1932-P. B. model: excellent must sell. JE. 1504.

PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE COUPELatest 1933 deluxe P. $528 SCHMIDLAPP-DAVIDSON. AVon 0067. PLYMOUTH '32 SEDAN- Excellent condition: $335. Universal Car 3421 Montgomery-rd.

WOodburn 3396. REO. 1928-Flying Cloud Sedan. The allaround American family car: $175. THE JOHN C.

MEYER CO. CH. 2772. FRED SCHENKE BETTER USED CARS Bought. Sold and Exchanged 0410 Gilbert Ave.

WOodburn 0100. STUDEBAKER-1930 Pres. 8 De Luxe Sedan: new paint: extra nice throughout. $295. Schiear's.

9th and Sycamore. WILLYS. 1932 SPORT 2-DOOR SEDANDriven very little: has had excellent care: will sacrifice for $195. AVon 8060. 2830 Burnet-av.




WALTER J. SWEENEY CO. 2358 Gilbert-av. WOodburn 1104. 50 LATE CARS- At once.

Top prices Wire. phone. King Chevrolet Sales ROD Main-st, Reading. VA, 8330..

The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.