XML Deserialization in C# - Code Maze (2024)

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In the world of C#, XML deserialization is a powerful technique that allows developers to convert XML data into strongly typed objects seamlessly. That said, in this article, we will learn more about XML deserialization in C#. We will cover essential concepts, hence, we are going to highlight the associated benefits and best practices.

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Let’s start

Understanding XML Deserialization

At its core, XML deserialization involves converting XML data into a representation that an application can easily consume. In C#, the .NET Framework provides powerful tools and libraries to facilitate XML deserialization.

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By mapping the XML structure to the properties of a class/record, developers can effortlessly transform XML data into manipulable and programmatically processable objects.

Key Concepts of XML Deserialization in C#

XML deserialization in C# involves converting XML data into strongly typed objects, allowing developers to work with the data more effectively.

XML Serialization Attributes

C# provides a set of attributes that allow developers to control the serialization and deserialization process. These attributes include XmlRoot, XmlElement, XmlAttribute, and XmlArray, among others.

By using these attributes to decorate classes and properties, we can influence the conversion of XML data into objects.

So, let’s start our example by creating an XML file, person.xml, that requires deserialization:

<Person> <Name>Jane Smith</Name> <Age>25</Age></Person>

To deserialize this XML file, we need to create a new class:

[XmlRoot("Person")]public class Person{ [XmlElement("Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlElement("Age")] public int Age { get; set; }}

We define a Person class with two properties: Name and Age. We also use the XmlRoot attribute to specify that the XML element representing an instance of the Person type is named “Person”.

The XmlElement attribute map the Name and Age properties to the corresponding XML elements within the “Person” element.

Now, let’s convert this XML to the class object:

static void Main(string[] args){ var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person)); using (var reader = new StreamReader("person.xml")) { var person = (Person)serializer.Deserialize(reader); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {person.Name}, Age: {person.Age}"); }}

Here, we create an instance of the XmlSerializer class, specifying the type of the object we want to deserialize – Person. We then use a StreamReader to read the XML data from a person.xml file.

The Deserialize() method converts the XML data into an object, and then we cast it to a Person object, which we can use to access the deserialized values.

Handling Complex Types and Relationships

Now, let’s delve into more complex situations where XML elements can have nested sub-tags. Let’s create a library.xml file:

<Library> <Books> <Book> <Title> Book 1 </Title> <Author> Author 1 </Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> Book 2 </Title> <Author> Author 2 </Author> </Book> </Books></Library>

This XML contains multiple Book elements, each with multiple sub-elements. Therefore, to handle these several Book elements and their corresponding sub-elements, creating a class capable of accommodating them is crucial:

[XmlRoot("Library")]public class Library{ [XmlArray("Books")] [XmlArrayItem("Book")] public List<Book> Books { get; set; }}public class Book{ [XmlElement("Title")] public string Title { get; set; } [XmlElement("Author")] public string Author { get; set; }}

We have a Library class as a collection of books. The XmlArray attribute specifies the name of the XML element containing the list of books. The XmlArrayItem attribute specifies that each item within the “Books” element should have a representation as an XML element named “Book”.

The Book class defines properties for each book, such as Title and Author, and establishes the mapping to the corresponding XML elements.

Let’s check how we can deserialize a complex XML structure:

static void Main(string[] args){ var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Library)); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("library.xml")) { var library = (Library)serializer.Deserialize(reader); foreach (Book book in library.Books) { Console.WriteLine($"Title: {book.Title}, Author: {book.Author}"); } }}

In the Main method, we instantiate XmlSerializer with the typeof(Library) argument to specify the target type for deserialization. We then deserialize the XML data using the Deserialize method, which takes a StringReader to read the XML string.

Then, we assign the deserialized Library object to the library variable. After that, we use a loop to iterate through each Book object in the Books list of the Library object. The title and author of each book are displayed using Console.WriteLine.

Error Handling and Exception Management in XML Deserialization

XML deserialization in C# can encounter errors and exceptions during the process. Handling these errors gracefully and implementing robust exception management is crucial for maintaining the stability and reliability of the application.

Here are some essential considerations for error handling and exception management in XML deserialization.


The InvalidOperationException is a common exception that may occur during XML deserialization. It typically indicates that the XML data does not conform to the expected format or structure defined by the target object or its attributes.


The XmlException is another frequently encountered exception in XML deserialization. It occurs when the XML data is invalid, contains syntax errors, or the system fails to parse it correctly.


The NotSupportedException may occur during XML deserialization if the serializer encounters an unsupported XML construct or attribute. This exception occurs when the deserialization process or the chosen XML serializer does not support a specific XML feature or construct.

To illustrate this point, consider how we can handle these exceptions using a try-catch block:

try{ // XML deserialization code}catch (InvalidOperationException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");}catch (XmlException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"XML Error at line {ex.LineNumber}: {ex.Message}");}catch (NotSupportedException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"Unsupported operation: {ex.Message}");}catch (Exception ex){ Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");}

We offer different ways to handle various types of exceptions, including InvalidOperationException, XmlException, and NotSupportedException.

Deserialization Using Records

In C#, recordsprovide a concise way to define immutable data structures. XML deserialization combined with C# records simplifies the process of deserializing XML data into records, providing benefits such as immutability, built-in equality comparison, and improved code readability.

Let’s have a look at the example.

First, let’s create a new record:

public record PersonRecord(string Name, int Age) { public PersonRecord() : this("", int.MinValue) { } }

Here, we define a Person record with properties for the person’s Name (string) and Age (int). The record provides an immutable representation of a person. We should pay attention that this record has a constructor, which is a pretty important part because, without it, the deserialization process will result in an exception.

Then, we can modify the Program class to deserialize some XML data into our record:

public class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { var xmlData = """<PersonRecord> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Age>30</Age> </PersonRecord>"""; var person = DeserializeXmlData<PersonRecord>(xmlData); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {person.Name}, Age: {person.Age}"); } public static T DeserializeXmlData<T>(string xmlData) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); using StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlData); return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader)!; }}

In the Main method, we pass the XML data representing a person to the DeserializeXmlData method, which returns a Person record. The person’s name and age are then displayed using Console.WriteLine.

Now let’s check how can we work with complex XML Deserialization with records:

Let’s create a new record for Library and Books:

public record LibraryRecord() { public List<BookRecord> Books { get; init; } private LibraryRecord(List<BookRecord> books):this() { Books = books; }}public record BookRecord([property: XmlElement("Title")] string Title, [property: XmlElement("Author")] string Author){ private BookRecord() : this("", "") { }}

Without a constructor, we might end up with instances of the record that are in an invalid state, causing unexpected errors or exceptions when accessing or using the object. Therefore, defining a constructor is crucial for maintaining the integrity and consistency of the object’s data and behavior.

Let’s check, how we can deserialize XML with these records in our Program class:

 public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var libraryXML = """ <LibraryRecord> <Books> <BookRecord> <Title>Book 3</Title> <Author>Author 3</Author> </BookRecord> <BookRecord> <Title>Book 4</Title> <Author>Author 4</Author> </BookRecord> </Books> </LibraryRecord> """; var libraryRecord = DeserializeXmlData<LibraryRecord>(libraryXML); foreach (BookRecord book in libraryRecord.Books) { Console.WriteLine($"Title: {book.Title}, Author: {book.Author}"); } } public static T DeserializeXmlData<T>(string xmlData) { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); using var reader = new StringReader(xmlData); return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader); } }

We use the DeserializeXmlData method, which takes an XML string and utilizes the XmlSerializer class to deserialize it into the specified record type.

In our Main method, we pass the XML data representing a library with books to the DeserializeXmlData method, which returns a Library record. Then, we iterate over the Books property of the Library record and display the book titles and authors using Console.WriteLine.

Best Practices For XML Deserialization in C#

Let’s look at a few best practices we should use while working with XML deserialization.

Define Strongly-Typed Classes

To accurately represent the XML structure, we should create classes that utilize properties for mapping XML elements or attributes. It helps us to establish a simple mapping between the XML data and the corresponding class properties.

Also, we should choose appropriate data types for the properties based on the corresponding XML data. It is essential to match the data types to ensure accurate and reliable deserialization.

Additionally, we have to apply XML serialization attributes, such as XmlRoot, XmlElement, XmlAttribute, XmlArray, and XmlArrayItem, to customize the deserialization process, as we did in our previous examples. These attributes enable the definition of specific behaviors and mappings for the deserialization process, granting greater control and flexibility.

Handle Data Validation

Before performing deserialization, it is essential to validate the XML data to ensure that it conforms to the expected format and constraints. We can achieve this by utilizing XML schema validation or implementing custom validation logic. XML schema validation checks the integrity and validity of the XML data against a predefined XML schema.

Custom validation logic enables the application of specific and customized validation rules. Validating the XML data before deserialization helps us to detect and handle potential issues or inconsistencies, ensuring a smooth and reliable deserialization process:

var settings = new XmlReaderSettings();settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;settings.Schemas.Add(null, "schema.xsd");using (var reader = XmlReader.Create("data.xml", settings)){ var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person)); var person = (Person)serializer.Deserialize(reader); }

In this snippet, we provide XML data validation using an XML schema (XSD) file. We configure the XmlReaderSettings to enable schema validation by associating it with the XML reader and providing the necessary schema file.

By validating the XML data before deserialization, we can identify and address any inconsistencies or violations in the XML data.

Consider Performance

To optimize XML deserialization performance, especially for large XML documents, there are specific techniques that we can employ. One such technique is buffering, which involves reading and processing XML data in chunks, reducing the memory footprint and improving efficiency. Additionally, asynchronous processing allows for parallel execution of deserialization tasks, leveraging the capabilities of multi-threading or asynchronous programming models.

Another technique is stream-based deserialization, where XML data is read and processed incrementally from a stream, neglecting the need to load the entire XML document into memory at once:

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person));using (var stream = new FileStream("data.xml", FileMode.Open)){ // Perform buffered or stream-based deserialization var person = (Person)serializer.Deserialize(stream);}

In this snippet, we utilize a FileStream to read the XML data as part of the deserialization process. This approach allows us to improve performance for large XML documents by leveraging stream-based deserialization, which avoids loading the entire XML into memory at a time.

Security Considerations

When working with XML deserialization, it is essential to address potential security risks that may arise, such as XML External Entity (XXE) attacks. These can include techniques such as disabling external entity resolution, implementing input validation and sanitization routines, and adopting strong coding practices.

By incorporating these security measures into our XML deserialization process, we can help safeguard our application against potential security threats and ensure the integrity and safety of our data:

var settings = new XmlReaderSettings();settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit;settings.XmlResolver = null;using (var reader = XmlReader.Create("data.xml", settings)){ var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person)); var person = (Person)serializer.Deserialize(reader); }

Here, we configure the XmlReaderSettings to prohibit the processing of Document Type Definitions (DTD) and nullify the XmlResolver. By doing so, the application mitigates the risk of XML External Entity (XXE) attacks, where malicious entities attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in XML parsing.

Benefits of XML Deserialization

XML Deserialization provides many benefits like Simplified Data Integration, strongly typed Objects, and Increased Productivity.

Simplified Data Integration

XML deserialization simplifies the integration of XML data into C# applications. Instead of manually parsing XML and extracting values, developers can utilize deserialization to obtain a structured data representation, saving time and effort.

Strongly-Typed Objects

The process of XML deserialization in C# enables the creation of strongly typed objects, ensuring type safety and reducing the likelihood of runtime errors. This capability empowers developers to fully utilize the features of the C# language, including IntelliSense and compile-time error checking.

Increased Productivity

XML deserialization boosts productivity by automating the conversion of XML data into objects. Developers can then focus on implementing business logic and handling data instead of dealing with low-level XML parsing and traversal.


XML deserialization empowers developers to convert XML data into strongly typed objects in C#. By leveraging the tools and libraries provided by the .NET Framework, developers can harness the benefits of XML deserialization, including simplified data integration, type safety, and increased productivity.

Want to build great APIs? Or become even better at it? Check our Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API programand learn how to create a full production-ready ASP.NET Core API using only the latest .NET technologies. Bonus materials (Security book, Docker book, and other bonus files) are included in the Premium package!

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XML Deserialization in C# - Code Maze (2024)


XML Deserialization in C# - Code Maze? ›

XML deserialization empowers developers to convert XML data into strongly typed objects in C#. By leveraging the tools and libraries provided by the . NET Framework, developers can harness the benefits of XML deserialization, including simplified data integration, type safety, and increased productivity.

How to deserialize XML response in C#? ›

In the Main method, we instantiate XmlSerializer with the typeof(Library) argument to specify the target type for deserialization. We then deserialize the XML data using the Deserialize method, which takes a StringReader to read the XML string. Then, we assign the deserialized Library object to the library variable.

How to use XML serialization in C#? ›

Once you have a C# object with data, call the Serialize() method on the XmlSerialize class, passing in a stream object and the object to serialize. The C# object is then serialized to XML and placed into the stream. If the stream object is a memory stream, you now have an XML string in memory.

How to deserialize XML to list object in C#? ›

First, some code to deserialize XML strings to objects:
  1. public static T Deserialize<T>(string s)
  2. {
  3. T returnValue = default(T);
  4. Type returnType = typeof(T);
  5. XmlAttributeOverrides xmlOverrides = CreateAttributeOverrides(returnType);
  6. XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(returnType, xmlOverrides);
Jul 24, 2017

How to extract data from XML file in C#? ›

How to read XML data from a URL
  1. Copy the Books. ...
  2. Open Visual Studio.
  3. Create a new Visual C# Console Application. ...
  4. Specify the using directive on the System. ...
  5. Create an instance of the XmlTextReader class, and specify the URL. ...
  6. Read through the XML. ...
  7. Inspect the nodes. ...
  8. Inspect the attributes.
Apr 3, 2023

How to deserialize a file in C#? ›

A common way to deserialize JSON is to have (or create) a .NET class with properties and fields that represent one or more of the JSON properties. Then, to deserialize from a string or a file, call the JsonSerializer.Deserialize method. For the generic overloads, the generic type parameter is the .NET class.

What is XML deserialization? ›

Deserialization is the process of reading an instance of an XML document and constructing an object that is strongly typed to the XML Schema (XSD) of the document. Before deserializing, an XmlSerializer must be constructed using the type of the object that is being deserialized.

What is the difference between serialize and deserialize XML in C#? ›

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a form that can be readily transported. For example, you can serialize an object and transport it over the Internet using HTTP between a client and a server. On the other end, deserialization reconstructs the object from the stream.

How to XML data in C#? ›

  1. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
  2. doc. Load("example. xml");
  3. XmlElement root = doc. DocumentElement;
  4. foreach(XmlNode node in root. ChildNodes)
  5. {
  6. Console. WriteLine(node.Name + ": " + node. InnerText);
  7. }

How to use XML documentation in C#? ›

Documentation comments are similar to C# single-line comments, but start with /// (that's three slashes), and can be applied to any user-defined type or member. As well as containing descriptive text, these comments can also include embedded XML tags.

How to serialize a dictionary in XML in C#? ›

  1. XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(LanguageSettings<string, string>));
  2. TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(@"languages.xml");
  3. LanguageSettings<string, string> settings =
  4. (LanguageSettings<string, string>)serializer. Deserialize(textReader);
  5. textReader. Close();
Aug 6, 2018

How to use fetch XML in C#? ›

In this quick post, we will see how to execute FetchXml query in C#.
  1. Prepare the FetchXml you want to execute whether from the Advanced Find, or any other FetchXml generator in the community.
  2. Create the C# function you want to call in order to execute the retrieve request and Copy/Paste the FetchXml query.

How to convert XMLdocument to object in C#? ›

The Serializer. cs class contains two methods, namely Deserialize and Serialize . The Deserialize method receives a string containing the xml to deserialize and returns an object of type T . Conversely, the Serialize method receives an object of type T and converts this into xml.

How to manipulate XML file in C#? ›

We discuss the points given below.
  1. Add node/XML value to the existing XML.
  2. Edit/Update XML data.
  3. Remove the node from XML data.
  4. Select the node value from XML.
  5. XML Serialization.
Jun 12, 2023

How to read XML response in C#? ›

  1. Create the Web API application as in the following: Start Visual Studio 2013. ...
  2. Create a model class: In the Solution Explorer. ...
  3. Create an API controller: In the "Solution Explorer". ...
  4. Add an Index. cshtml file using the following: ...
  5. Execute the application: Now see the record in XML form.
Feb 1, 2021

How to parse SOAP XML response in C#? ›

Here's what it does.
  1. Load the XML and get the namespaces defined in it.
  2. Create a new dummy namespace that lines up with the namespace that SOAP uses.
  3. Use XPath to find the desired element using the dummy namespace name.
  4. If found then get the default namespace of this element.
May 28, 2021

How to convert XML response to DataTable in C#? ›

The ReadXml method provides a way to read either data only, or both data and schema into a DataTable from an XML document, whereas the ReadXmlSchema method reads only the schema.

How to deserialize XML to object? ›

Before deserializing, an XmlSerializer must be constructed using the type of the object that is being deserialized. Classes that inherit from TextReader include StringReader and StreamReader. If you are using a StreamReader to deserialize an object, you must construct the StreamReader with an appropriate Encoding.


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